Category Linux

Explore the world of the Linux operating system. Find tutorials, hands-on guides, and tips on installing, configuring, and managing Linux distributions. Learn about essential commands, automation scripts, security, and best practices to make the most of this powerful open-source system. list of bash terminal commands, codes and examples, a man on steroids

bash terminal commands is a quick reference tool for programmers, sysadmins and/or DevOps/SRE’s, offering examples of Linux commands (bash terminal commands), codes from various programming languages and explanations of exactly what each one does. Basic use It can be used in this way, following this syntax:…

Read list of bash terminal commands, codes and examples, a man on steroids

Error “WARNING: the requested image platform linux amd64 does not match does not match the detected host platformlinux arm64 v8 and no specific platform was requested ”: How to solve it

WARNING: the requested image platform linux amd64 does not match does not match

When attempting to build a PHP image on MacOS, you might frequently run into the error: WARNING: The requested image’s platform (linux/arm64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/amd64), and no specific platform was requested. This error message, which may appear in variations…

Read MoreError “WARNING: the requested image platform linux amd64 does not match does not match the detected host platformlinux arm64 v8 and no specific platform was requested ”: How to solve it

Automating NTP Verification with a Shell Script: Ensure Efficient Time Synchronization

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Introduction Maintaining correct time synchronization in systems is crucial to ensure the integrity of operations and the smooth running of various applications. An efficient way to automate this task is through a shell script that performs NTP (Network Time Protocol) checking. In this article,…

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